Published May 8, 2006
1,116 Posts
How do your residents prep?
I work in a large teaching hospital, so the residents, or the attendings do their own prep. But I have noticed, that, NONE of them, do it like it is supposed to be done,( how I was taught).that is, from the middle out to the periphery...they just go up and down and across any old way!!!!! Anybody ever see this?
528 Posts
At my hospital, usually the circulator preps- we do have a few docs that do their own prep and I've seen a couple do the up and down thing. One told me that there was a study that proved it had benefits over the other way(periphery method) I think the periphery method is the best and I'm pretty sure thats what AORN recommends. If I can find out where he got that study from, I'll post it
2 Posts
The company that markets Chloraprep (Chlorahexadine with alcohol) prep sticks instructs to do a back and forth friction rub 2 minute prep. Many studies that do suggest the circular prep to periphery not evidence based more effective.