Let me preface by saying I love my job and I love my patients. I work at a chronic hemodialysis center as a charge nurse. I stay very busy, as I doubt there is any nursing specialty that leaves a nurse twiddling their thumbs. I have many tasks to complete during the day but I am starting to find myself short on time due to taking on what I call "chores" for my patients. Now, I do NOT mind going out of my way for any patient that truly needs my help. But my day gets away from me and I am starting to get behind in my own work because patients (not all of them) are expecting me to do things for them that are quite frankly not my job...and I hate that phrase! Here are
some of the things that able-bodied, able-minded patients have asked me (a floor nurse) to do for them:
1. Make an appt. for them with another md (not even neph) and also call and schedule transportation to get them there. They have transporation to get everywhere else, just apparently not to this md appointment?
2. Call to pharm for refills - only to get on the phone with pharmacist and discover they have 8 refills. When I told the patient, they said "oh I know I have refills, I just wanted you to call to have them filled so they would be ready when I go get them later." So I took time out of my work day to wait on hold for a pharmacist so you wouldn't have to wait for your refill?
3. Request a copy of their birth certificate....?
4. Ask me to call a doctor I don't know or work for to ask for refills on a med they got from an ER doc
5. I will be in gloves and giving a patient medications or doing an assessment and a patient will call me over to them to ask me to throw their trash away for them.
These are just a few things out of many that eat up my time and have absolutely nothing to do with my responsibilities. I always try to be as helpful as possible but now I realize I'm being taken advantage of, and I need some advice...what can I say to these patients to firmly but politely let them know that I am not their maid/personal assistant/mama/etc. and that I am not responsible for handling their day to day errands that they are MORE than capable of handling on their own?