How to pass Anatomy and physiology ?

Nurses General Nursing

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I am male student nurse.

I am taking anatomy and physiology II this Summer.

I really need to pass this course to be able to take nursing class in fall 05

I desperately need advice in study techniques, and strategies to pass this course

I would really appreciate all your wonderful suggestions

I used to make flash cards, one side with a term, the other with a definition. I carried them with me always. I also bought the A/P flash cards, more definition and pictures.

For longer things to remember, and for many of the flash cards I made, I taped them and listened to it when I went running. It really helped me.

All the best to you.

i really appreciate everyone for your response

i have found even more information to get through anatomy and physiology

here you go ...........

you've probably already heard that this is a tough course. unfortunately, that's true in just about every college in the country. and in many, a lot of students do fail. but you don't have to be a statistic. if you do things right the first time, you won't have to repeat the course later and then learn by your mistakes. so remember, time is money. use your time wisely in this course. take all the suggestions i will be giving you and you will succeed.

before you do anything else in this course, be sure to have a positive attitude all the time!!

1. do not to miss any lectures or labs. no matter why you might not want to go to class, or for whatever the reason, don't cut. you'll need to find out what you missed and that may not be fun.

2. be on time for class. a teacher always gives instructions for a class in the beginning. if you're late, you're already behind. you also get better seats if you are on time.

3. never, but never sit in the last row of seats. for some reason, those students seldom pass this course. try to sit as close to the front of the classroom as you can. this way you can hear better, see better, and will be more likely to be attentive to what is being presented.

4. if lecture notes are not provided, try to outline as information is given. if you have trouble outlining, take the notes that seem important. use plenty of space in your notebook, especially in the margin. abbreviate your notes with your own method, but avoid taking notes word for word.

5. ask the instructor if you can tape his or her lecture notes. if you can, put your tape recorder on the front desk so there's no static. you can use it later to clear up any notes that may have been confusing. you can even listen to it while you're driving home(if you're tired of the same old junk on the radio).

6. don't be afraid to ask questions during lecture or lab. if you're afraid to speak up, ask the student next to you to do it for you. if the teacher routinely asks questions of the class, do your best to break the ice and answer a if you can. don't let the same students do all the responding; you do it.

7. be a serious student in class. that means don't waste your time jiving with your classmates about stuff totally irrelevant to what's going on in the classroom. use all your time critically. study the anatomy models, do the dissections, involve yourself in the various lab exercises and the like. remember, you paid for this instruction, so if you waste it by horsing around during classtime, you'll really suffer when you attempt to answer questions on a lecture or a lab test.

former students' suggestions to improve your performance in anatomy and physiology:

1. be alert in lecture

2. clean up lecture notes soon after class

3. study by yourself at least two hours every day

4. study at school and not at home if kids/husband/ boyfriend are in the way

5. study with the tv off

6. don't let anybody interrupt you when you're studying.

7. study as if your grade depended on it

8. make study or "to do" lists

9. make flash cards of important structures or concepts

10. get a study group together with 2-3 friends

11. review the glossary of your textbook

12. pay attention to instructions in lab

13. respond to questions in lab

14. take notes in lab

15. write out answers in your lab book

16. go to instructor's other anatomy labs for extra lab time

17. when taking an exam, go over questions a second time

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