Published Sep 20, 2016
VegGal, BSN, RN
190 Posts
I'm an RN who's just about to finish BSN school. My state Board is very difficult to get a hold of, and I'm just wondering if I have to notify them when I have my BSN? Will employers need to see "BSN" on my license instead of just "RN" ? Does the California Board of Nursing expect member RNs to notify them of their BSN degrees?
Thank you all.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
An RN is an RN. They don't put your degree on your license. The board doesn't care about that.
Its employers that care about the degree.
14,633 Posts
If you are already a licensed RN, completing a BSN doesn't affect your license. No need to notify the board. Lots of licensure renewal applications ask questions about your highest level of nursing education; the next time you renew your license, if that is asked, that would be the time to reply that you have a BSN.