Published Jan 8, 2008
93 Posts
I am curious about how much everyone is working while in grad school.
How many hours do you work a week?
How many credits are you taking?
Do you have children?
I am just starting an Adult NP program. I am enrolled in 6 credits. Just getting organized and getting started this week I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed. I work 3 night 12s and I have two young kids (ages 6 and 3). I think I grossly underestimated the amount of time and work required. I am thinking of going to weekends NOW instead of when I start clinical as I had planned. It is either that or drop one of my classes.
Any advice/thoughts?
35 Posts
I am working three 12's, taking two or three graduate classes a semester and have 3 children still left at home. The youngest is a three year old. I am at the end of my second year, half way there. I am totally overwhelmed and feeling burnt out. But I'm hanging in there. Be prayerful and decide if it's what you really want and if it's what The Lord want for you. If it is, you'll get through it. Hang in there, be prayerful and take it one day and assignment at a time!
1,116 Posts
We've discussed this on the NP board and the general concensus is that you do what you have to do. If your family needs your income (current or future), then that will dictate the pace at which you go through NP school. Another factor will be your tolerance for missing out on time with your kids and family.
I had too many problems having my one and only DD and there are no "do overs." I refuse to tell her night after night that Mommy has "just one more thing to do" before I can do X with her. I don't think she needs me 24/7, but when I was taking 2-3 classes at a time and working, there was just not a lot of time for her.
If you can afford it, slow down with your work and keep your classes going. Your kid are school aged so you can get a lot done while they are in school during the day.
I think the most important thing is to be flexibile.....the dynamics of your classes will change and you may find that what works one semester no longer works the next because of different requirements, more clinical hours, etc.etc.
Thanks for the thoughts and advice.
I really need to make a decision this week if I decide to drop one of the classes.
I have decided to work weekends for this semester. Unfortunately I cannot go PT until June, and the semester will be over then. I learned my lesson though and I will go PT in August when Fall classes start and I will stay PT when I have classes.
149 Posts
7starbuck7, I am in the same boat. I need to decide soon what is going to give- dropping down a bit on school or on work. I thought I could have my cake and eat it too but I was sooo wrong!
Let us know how it works out.