How much should I spend on Stethoscope?

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students




i start school in sept for lpn and need to buy a stethoscope before school.

can someone tell me what is a good one to buy and how much money i should spend?

i see a variety on littmann. there are a variety of colors as well.

are there requirements from you boss on the color you are allowed to buy?

do appreciate your feed back. i don't want to over spend as there are books i need to buy as well.

thank you

I got a hardly used Littman Clasic II S.E. off Craigslist for $40....

Brought it home, and fully cleaned it with great.

Now if only I knew what I listening for....LOL!

Our instructor told us at orientation, to start with a cheaper one and see if it works for us, and to request a top of the line Littman as a graduation gift!

my school gives us a penlight, bandage scissors, bp cuff, stethoscope all in one fanny pack for clinicals. For thoses who dont have the school supply it i SUGGEST buying a fanny pack to keep it in. It might look a little funny BUT it deffinitly HELPS. plus i have everything i need at the bedside. I also clip a small saniwipes on mine, a travel size hand santizer and also travel lotion. I keep a pen and tape in mine and a small notepad to take notes incase i dont have my binder! =]

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