How many pages is SG101 guide for microbio?


I downloaded it onto my ipad and there's thousands of pages. I'd like to print it but that's a LOT to print. Am I missing something or is it really that long? If so how did you guys print it

I checked my copy, the actual study guide for each section is like 8-20+/- pages, the rest of the each section is powerpoints and quizzes, which I didn't print. Like for section 1, number 1 the study guide is page 4 through 24 and number 2 the study guide is pages 61-69. All in all I think around 150 pages is all I printed out and then I went over the rest on my tablet.

the main thing I used for micro (and only thing I printed) was the powerpoints. I used the excelsior practice exams and this is the only class I used more material, which was a couple books from my local library to expound on points that were unclear in the powerpoints. if there is a "things to know" file for micro, I would also study that.

Ok I accidentally just printed all of the first section. So well over 100 pages. I download micro sg101 to my ipad and its 7 sections.

The A&P sg101 is 1944 pages. Seems a BIT much for 1 class. I need some help guys. I don't want to study thousands of pages of stuff I dont need.

Chrisricci my pages aren't matching up to yours. Can you describe exactly where it starts and ends for the first and second section please?

ReebokHCFR did you only study the power points or did you guys study thousands of pages?

Also how do you personal message on here?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hey Flint medic,

Click on the person's name you want to PM and you will see option to do so.

Tommysgirl :)

Ah it says I have to have 15 "quality topics" to pm people. I don't have the option yet. I dunno if they mean posts or threads

I used exactly what I stated above.

Flintmedic - I sent you a PM

Specializes in Med-Surg.


I sent you a pm.

tommys girl

Thanks everyone. I still can't reply to pms. I'm on it!

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