How Many C-Sections are Safe?

Specialties CNM


In the hospital where I work there seems to be a limit on a mother only being able to have 4 c-sections. Getting pregnant again is actively discouraged. I have not heard of anybody having any more children after this.

I was just wondering what others experiences are? How many is considered safe? Do women ignore that and go ahead and get pregnant anyway? How many is the most you have heard of? Should they wait longer in between pregnancies?

There are a couple of women that have come through the hospital (while I have been on placement) having their 4th sections indicating a very strong desire for more children. I have not advised them either way, just told them they need to discuss with ob at 6 week check.

My sister had her TENTH full term c-section today. I found this website because I wondered what the record number is. Thankfully everything went fine but the doctor said that she has virtually NO abdominal muscle underneath the incision line! She says this will be her LAST. For her sake-I pray that's the truth. ?

I have had 4 c-sections. And I just found out I am pregnant again. I am scared to have another c-section. I have never had no major complications from one. I have healed up pretty quickly. With my last c-section my incision busted open but I did not loose that much blood and after the wound vac was put on me I healed up quickly.

I had my 5th C-section 7 months ago, I want to start trying for number 6 in November. My son will be over a year by then. My 5th c section went fast and smooth, and they said nothing about any complications with my uterus. If I went and had a US can they tell me how my uterus looks and if it is strong enough for a 6th c section. It will be my last, my husband will be getting his vasectomy after my third trimester.

Holy cow! Lots of women poppin kids like tic tacs! Not to be rude, but I wonder how many people think of our planet? We are so over-populated, soon it will be impossible to grow enough food. Our poor kids are going to have to pay a fortune just to live as they grow up! Nobody thinks about our planer and the type of world we live in. Just to throw that out there....

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