How do males do in Nursing??? 2 part question!

Nurses LPN/LVN


I am of the male species, and was wondering how the male population does in the nursing field? Right now I am currently looking for programs in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. Are guys accepted with open arms, or do they get the cold shoulder? Does it help if thier cute??!!!.

Part 2 of this inquiry. I think I might have Adult ADD, because its really hard for me to focus on anything unless I am doing 10 things at once, and if I am only doing 1 thing or just sitting around, I am always figgiting. My mind is always going 700 MPH, and I dont want to lose focus if I do find a school to go to. I took some of those online tests, and they say its possible I have ADD.

So I was wondering if the medications they prescribe actually work, and if they actually help you keep focus.

I am going to post these questions in the RN and LVN forums go get the most feeedback I can get. They way I will probally pull all this off, is to do an LVN program, then do the transfer classes to get my RN license. I can really afford to take 2 years and go to classes full time and just do the RN.

Thanks alot in advanced.

I am of the male species, and was wondering how the male population does in the nursing field? Right now I am currently looking for programs in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. Are guys accepted with open arms, or do they get the cold shoulder? Does it help if thier cute??!!!.

Part 2 of this inquiry. I think I might have Adult ADD, because its really hard for me to focus on anything unless I am doing 10 things at once, and if I am only doing 1 thing or just sitting around, I am always figgiting. My mind is always going 700 MPH, and I dont want to lose focus if I do find a school to go to. I took some of those online tests, and they say its possible I have ADD.

So I was wondering if the medications they prescribe actually work, and if they actually help you keep focus.

I am going to post these questions in the RN and LVN forums go get the most feeedback I can get. They way I will probally pull all this off, is to do an LVN program, then do the transfer classes to get my RN license. I can really afford to take 2 years and go to classes full time and just do the RN.

Thanks alot in advanced.

Hey Daddy-O,

I'm in 2nd semester of an AD Nursing Program. We have one older guy in our class, but he's a whiz! The program is driving him a bit crazy at times (is that because nursing sometimes hit more on the female perspective than the males???)... I don't know, but he digs deeper than most. He has had no problem being accepting AND respected in our group, though I'm sure he sometimes feels like a lame duck amongst of ravenous wolves of women. haha But, let me add as a final note here that some of the best NURSES I had myself as a patient were the men nurses. They are usually good at what they do, and they show more respect (at least in my experience) than what I've seen with some of the women nurses. And, I might even add that it's been more the men nurses than the women nurses, that never made me feel that they were rushed or in a hurry when they came in to see to me.

And, if with your ADD, you find it really hard to focus unless you're doing 10 things at once... then you'll be a GEM in the nursing program! Cause I promise you... you will feel like you are having to study and do 10 things at once to stay on top of that schedule they throw at us!

Give it some thought... even give it a shot! The main question to me is: Do you think you can deal with a person on the lower end of the health-illness continuum and be able to contribute SOMETHING to make what they are going through become a "positive" experience, and maybe something they actually need? Good luck!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
I am of the male species, and was wondering how the male population does in the nursing field? Right now I am currently looking for programs in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. Are guys accepted with open arms, or do they get the cold shoulder? Does it help if thier cute??!!!.

Part 2 of this inquiry. I think I might have Adult ADD, because its really hard for me to focus on anything unless I am doing 10 things at once, and if I am only doing 1 thing or just sitting around, I am always figgiting.

I love working with the guy nurses. We have female patients that refuse a male nurse and I can understand that if I were an elderly woman. In general there very few complaints. Some of the elderly women actually request a male nurse. When inserting foleys its always nice to have nurses of both sexes around. Also, not to sound sexist but it's wonderful to have muscles on the floor.

My son in high school has ADD and describes himself exactly the way you have. He is taking Strattera and has gone from D's to A's & B's and say's he feels much better, is able to concentrate and able to sit still. Good Luck!

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