How long did it take you to feel like you knew what you were doing?


I've only been doing L&D a few months. I'm so anxious I'm going to mess something up. Not call the dr soon enough/call them to early. How long did you do L&D before you felt like you knew what you were doing? I heard it takes 5 years for them to consider you experienced. I'm hoping I feel a lot better after the first year!

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I've been an RN for two years. Just hit my "one year anniversary" in hospice nursing. I learn something new EVERY day. That's what I love about nursing!

I do feel much more confident now than I did one year ago.

All the best to you,


They say it's about a year to feel proficient, but 5 before you really know what you are doing and are considered an experienced nurse...I am curious about this too...

I'm having days during orientation where I feel like I've got it. Other days I feel like its my first day ever as a nurse and I feel lost.

Specializes in L&D, PP, Nursery.

I've been an L&D nurse for 14 years and still often seek advice on FHR tracings, exams, etc. Although I do feel confident, I am not arrogant to think that I know everything. It took me about a year to feel somewhat comfortable and by the 3rd year, much more so. Even after all this time, I still learn something new every day. I'm not afraid to ask the docs questions in order to further educate myself. Hang in there. It will all come together someday. As for calling the docs in for the deliveries, you'll get better at that as well. However, you can't predict nature and occasionally you will have the babies that just won't wait for him to come. Good luck!

A lot to learn in nursing. Keep up the good work. Every nurse is different.

Specializes in Geriatric Assessment, management and leadership.

Every time I switched to a new specialty it took me a good 6 months to start feeling I knew what I was doing, 12 months to be comfortable. You never want to ge too comfortable because that is when you can make mistakes. Mistakes are not the end of the world as long as you learn from them. One of the things I love about nursing is you can never know it all. You can always learn more in any area you work!

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