How long is the processing time for Florida BON for foreign educated nurses?



I have applied (March 15, 2016) for Registration- EXAM in Florida BON.

They said it will take 30 days, however, I received a letter notifying me that they will consider my application at the BON meeting (June 2, 2016) for Credential Evaluation and notified to attend but attendance is not required.

Does it mean that they will consider it after the meeting?

Does anyone have the same experience in the application in Florida?

Thank you for your time!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Others have reported there were issues with their credentials not exactly matching BoN requirements therefore the BoN had to convene to decide best action. Some were required further study others were permitted to sit the nclex.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Thank you for the information.

Yeah i received this letter from the Florida BON in February also to attend a meeting. They stated i had zero clinical hours which is impossible, this was fixed by my school and i was eventually approved. Sat NCLEX and passed.


In my letter, they didn't say anything about lacking hours of clinical exp. I am wondering what else could it be.


In my letter, they didn't say anything about lacking hours of clinical exp. I am wondering what else could it be.

Actually the educational specialist from the board called me, told me i had no clinical hours and then told me i had to waive my application or attend a MANDATORY meeting where they would consider my application. They then sent me an official letter stating all of this, Of course i waived and it was fix by my school and the credentialing agency.

When they submitted the reviewed ces report i was approved by the BON in less than a week. I suspect if it wasn't mandatory for you to attend the meeting then, it might not be anything major. I would email them for full clarity however or call the educational specialist reviewing your file.

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