Published Jun 27, 2005
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I took my boards Wed. 6/22 and found out that I passed with quick results Friday 6/24. How long after you found out that you passed were you able to get your license number? I tried the website and they only update their online directory the 1st of every month. I tried calling, but got nowhere. Any help would be appreciated.
79 Posts
You will get a letter in mail stating your Licence number ,and then you get your actual licence in mail within 2 weeks.
I gave my boards on 6/18 ans received the letter today 6/28 so you will get in within 4 days.(Counting 10 days period)
You can use that letter to apply to any hospital till your licence arrives.
Have patience.
You know you have passed so have some fun and relax.
I did the same ..enjoyed time with my kids.Once you will start working it's getting into routine.We all will be like Hamsters .. :rotfl: