How long is the ATT taking?


I'm graduating GHNTS's RN program on Monday, and my paper work will be sent to the BON that day. Can anyone give me some info on how long the ATT is taking to arrive these days? The board says between 1 and 6 weeks. I don't know if things are going quicker this time of year since there's not a huge volume.

Also, my school doesn't use the online application, but does it help expedite things at all?


Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I remember it being pretty quick. I signed up with Pearson Vue and paid my $200 about two weeks prior to when I knew transcripts would be sent, and I sent in my application to the Virginia BON when I knew my school would be sending transcripts. I think it was about 8 days after I put my app in the mail that I got my ATT in my email. I received the letter from the Virginia BON to work as an RNA (RN Applicant) just a few days after that. My overall impression was that the BON was pretty speedy.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

It varies. I got my ATT about a week after graduation, most of my classmates got theirs within 2 weeks; a few didn't get theirs until more than a month later. There's no way to tell how long you will take and you can't make it go any faster: just have to submit your paperwork and wait.

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