How do I get an OR job?

Specialties Operating Room


Good day ladies and gents!

I am currently an SICU RN and have one year as a MICU RN. I really want to transition to the OR. I have applied to multiple jobs but can't get an interview. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Hi Theresa!

Is there a particular specialty you are shooting for, or are you applying to a general float OR Nurse position? More than happy to add my perspective.

I am applying to all positions I qualify for. I really want to be an OR nurse. I have an upcoming interview for an OR training position. Fingers crossed I receive an offer.

6 hours ago, Theresa Coyle said:

I am applying to all positions I qualify for. I really want to be an OR nurse. I have an upcoming interview for an OR training position. Fingers crossed I receive an offer.

An OR training program is the way to get into this specialty. Bonus points if they teach you to scrub. I transitioned to the OR after a year working surgery stepdown / progressive care. I did a training program, learned to circulate and scrub. I've been in the OR for well over 5 years.

Let me know if you have questions! Our specialty needs new folks! (Fun fact: most of the perioperative/procedural services workforce in the US is nearing retirement age).

Well I am happy to announce I got into an OR training program. I started last week but it was mostly hospital orientation. This coming week I start my training for the OR, 9 month programs. They teach us to circulate and scrub so I"m super stoked about this!!!! I've already started looking at RNFA programs.

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