Published Sep 29, 2016
20 Posts
It is so difficult to switch specialties in nursing, especially since I only have an associates degree- I am working on my BSN, but I still have about 2 years left!
I graduated nursing school in 2009 and I have only worked Postpartum and Nursery my entire career- I spent 4 years at my last job, before moving out of state and the only position I could get here was in postpartum/nursery. They asked in my interview why I have been in this specialty so long, well gee it's because nobody will hire me without experience in another specialty!!! Ugh. Sorry, just a little frustrated.
Anyways, since we moved here I thought this would be a perfect time to switch specialties, and I am really interested in HH, because I have an uncle, aunt and grandmother who require HH visits and I've seen how much of a difference these nurses make for the them. My Father also needed a HH nurse after surgery and she was such a blessing to us! I am so inspired by these nurses and I want to see a broader range of diseases, wounds, etc and be able to advocate and make a difference.
I have read numerous posts in this forum to get an idea of what the job is like and it definitely looks challenging and very busy- which is good, because I will never get bored. I love the fact that everyone says the best part of their job is the patients! I am sure there are some really difficult patients out there, but I really want to feel like I make a difference, I have so much compassion and got into nursing ( like everyone else) to help people-I don't feel like I do that now.
I would need to brush up on many skills and study the disease process and various medications. In postpartum/nursery I spent a huge portion of my day doing patient education, so I will love that aspect of home health. I can definitely understand why HH requires experience, because you need strong assessment skills and be able to recognize a problem right away.
Unfortunately, with no med/surg background I am having a really difficult time getting my foot in the door. I never wanted to be pigeon holed in this specialty, but I have had to repeatedly go back to it, because no other specialty will hire and train me- and I need a job
I would appreciate any advice.. I realize the specialty I am in is not doing me any favors
(I just wanted to add that I love postpartum/nursery, but I am ready for a change)
38,333 Posts
Just approach an agency and apply for a job. Same as for any other position, if the employer needs an RN, they will, or will not, be willing to hire someone with no experience.
3,726 Posts
A smaller agency might be more likely to hire you but don't fully trust their judgment. Bone up on the common adult diseases and be ready to start talking, assessing and teaching CHF, COPD, DM mgmt, post op ortho mgmt, wound care, pharmacology (anti coag). The skills are easy to teach, disease mgmt is a lot more time consuming. Also Google CMS oasis and 5 star, review and be ready to discuss.
If you came in and could discuss these topics with confidence, I'd give you a chance.