How do I get my CGFNS report to Canadian NCAS?

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To share your CES (Credentials Evaluation Service) report from CGFNS (Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools) with the Canada NCAS (National Nursing Assessment Service), you typically need to follow specific steps.

Remember that processes may change, so verifying the most current information from CGFNS and the Canada NCAS is essential. Here's a general guide:

Start by logging into your CGFNS Connect account on the CGFNS website. You can also view their new user tutorial.

  • Once logged in, navigate to the "Order a Report" section or a similar option within your CGFNS  account.
  • Look for wording such as "Select CES Professional Report." Ensure that you select the report type that is suitable for Canada NCAS.
  • Provide necessary information. Follow the prompts to provide the information required for your CES report. This may include personal details, educational history, and any specific instructions for the report.
  • Choose recipient. Specify Canada NCAS as the recipient of your CES Professional Report. You may need to provide details such as the name and contact information of the recipient organization.
  •  Pay the required fees for the CES Professional Report. Payment methods may include credit/debit cards or other options available through CGFNS.
  • Submit the request. Review your order details to ensure accuracy, and then submit your request for the CES Professional Report.
  • Track the status. Monitor the status of your order through your CGFNS Connect account. You may receive updates on the processing and completion of your CES report.
  • Verify the submission process with Canada NCAS. Contact Canada NCAS to confirm their specific requirements for receiving the CES report. They may have additional steps or forms that need to be completed on their end.
  • Allow sufficient processing time. Be patient during the processing period. CES reports may take some time to be completed and sent to the designated recipient.
  • Follow up if necessary. If there are delays or issues, don't hesitate to contact CGFNS customer service for assistance. They can guide the status of your report.

Remember that the exact steps and procedures may vary, so it's crucial to refer to the official CGFNS website for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Additionally, contact Canada NCAS directly to confirm their specific requirements for receiving foreign credential evaluation reports.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth