How do I find new specialty


I was a hospital nurse in Med Surg, ER, and PCU for 13 years. For the last 8 years I been at a private practice / surgery center. So, needless to say I am over the weekends and holiday work. I feel like I need a change. I love wound care. I would love school nurse. But seems like you have to know someone. Im only 40 and it seems nobody wants to train "old dogs" Any suggestions? I don't even know how to write a good resume. This is why I been there 8 years longer than I wanted.....too lazy to get a resume LOL

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Have you tried applying to any jobs? I think a resume is in order. It's not very difficult to make one for an experienced nurse because you don't have to embellish.

Format for resume

Name, Degree (if Bachelors), RN





College, Degree, City, State, Year graduated

GPA: (If >3.5)

Work Experience (listed from most recent to oldest)

Private practice/surgery center, city, state (#### to present)

- work as RN in line describing practice

Hospital #1, City, State (#### to ####)

- worked as Name of Job title on description of unit. Short description of role. (Were you charge nurse, part of committee etc). Include a couple lines like this with each job. At the very least list the unit.

Hospital #2, City, State (#### to ####)

Hospital #3, City, State (#### to ####)


Registered Nurse (#list your license number) in Your State, expires Date

name of CPR certification, certifying agency, expires Date

name of specialty RN certification, certifying agency, expires date


Member, Name of Nursing Organization/committee, (#### to ####)

Resumes can be daunting I developed a pretty good one on my own. ..wasn't getting enough hits and finally spent $200 on a professionally done resume.

Best $200 I ever spent. Got my dream job @ 61.

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