How do I find the endorsement application for Ohio?



I recently received my dream RN job in Ohio. I am a California RN, and I am scrambling to get my Ohio license. I have filled out the online application at However, I know that I need to send an endorsement application to the California BRN, but I can't find this application! Can someone please help me and direct me to the application? At this point, I'm so frustrated, I feel like it would be easier for me to just retake the NCLEX in Ohio so I can have my license faster. Please help a frustrated new nurse.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I think you are looking for the form on this page:

Look where it says Form A - Verification of Licensure. Hope that helps!

By the way, you cannot retake the NCLEX for licensure, it's a national exam. ?

Thank you so much!!!!

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