How did you get your job?

Nurses New Nurse


I am having a hard time finding a job...I got my license in October. I was just wondering for the nurses that got hired within 3 months of getting their license, how did u get your job? Did you fill out an application online, did you go in and ask to speak with the DON, did a nursing recruiter contact you? I've tried those tactics and others. I keep wondering what am I doing wrong?

Specializes in ED.

So many people are relocating. I actually am driving 59 miles 1 way for my job.

wow bless you :eek:. that will take a toll on your car big time

According to Yahoo Maps, it's telling me door to door, I moved 2867.25 miles. From SF, CA to SC. It's been a great choice for me and I'm so happy that I'm here.

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