How do you find support while you're still applying to nursing school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


1. I don't have a family. (other than one who depends on me)

2. I tried this forum but people have been mean to me

3. I moved and don't know anyone here

Where do you guys go to find support when things get rough?

And thank the (few) of you girls so much, you've been more helpful than I could have imagined.

I have no suport, I wish to find someone to help, I finished my high school 2006 but til now looking for any sponsorship or any person for courses suport

It's when I finished my high school that's when I get interested with nursing because I so many people in our community suffering alot of sickness without any help especially the women who are pregnant.

I have a family but poor and still they encourage me to go for nursing,

If you want something you've never had, try something you've never done. Step outside of your comfort zone at least once a week and see if that doesn't help bring quality friends around. Relying on others to support you is what gets you exactly where you were before making the decision to change your life for the better and go to school. Love yourself, love those around you, too... but really pay attention to you. The only way to get through rough times is to improve the person in the mirror, and equip yourself to handle things better the next time things get rough.

It's all part of the growing process.

Similar situation, I guess.

My family supports me, and they are proud of me, but it's sometimes hard to talk with them about struggles because they don't necessarily "get it". When I decided to become a nurse, I didn't have any friends in the medical field.

Now, my younger cousin is going to school to be a Surgeon, so we have a bit more to talk about, and we laugh and joke about all the gross things.

And I'm finishing up school for CNA and I've made some really great friends in that class. We are all already signed to work at the same facility, so I know I will have them by my side through it as well.

Sometimes you find the support in strange places. I had an amazing converstation with an older gentleman in Starbucks because he saw me studying with my Nursing Assistant books.

I don't know if that helps at all, but hopefully it did. Keep youre head up and keep moving forward. Talk to people in your class, you never know they could become amazing friends.

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