How far do you go with precautions...

Nurses General Nursing


We all know that gowning and gloving has become all too common place. Most recently in the ICU it has been decided for safe drug passing we are to bring our MAR charts into the patient room (they are paper in a plastic binder). We are told to gown and glove. Take a wipe, wipe down the bedside table(usually covered with patient's bedside personal effects)put down a chux, put the chart on it, administer the meds then take off our gloves, put on new gloves, wash down the chart, and then take off our gear. Any thoughts??? What do you do? Currently we take the chart outside the patient room, verify meds and then administer them.

Either leave the MAR on a overbed table just outside the door, if it is a glass enclosed room tape it to the window so you can see it, or make a copy to keep in the room. That way you ca do the 5 rights and have two patient identifiers. That new policy seems ridiculous. I would not want a MAR in an isolation room period.

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