Published Nov 2, 2006
315 Posts
Hi everyone!
I'm putting that last of my application materials together for an accelerated BSN program. One of the items I am required to submit is, of course, a resume.
Question: how far back do I go??? I mean, I have relevant experience going all the way back to 1992! Do I mention it all???
NOTE: This program takes only NINE students per year, so I want everything to look as good as it can.
Any suggestions?
Thank you all so much.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I would go back to 1992. That isn't really that far back.
When I do my resume, I include all my nursing experience (which coincidentally is back to 1992 also). Then..I include my military service too.
For education, I have always included all my degrees though I have a degree which is non-nursing related.
Good luck.
562 Posts
1992 Doesn't sound that far back for a resume, especially if it is all relevant. If you were going to go back to 1992, but only had relevant experience from 2000 onward, then I would think that was a little weird. Competing for 9 spots....I'd include it.
Thanks you two. I'll go ahead an include it then. I just wasn't sure.
I didn't want the admissions committee to look at it scratching their heads...wondering what I was thinking...
I won't know anything until I get to wait! (and wait, and wait, and wait.....)