Published Feb 7, 2008
205 Posts
Hey everyone, I have a question. Im still waiting to get into the program, but right now im not going to school and only working. I would like to know if there is anything i can possibly read, study, whatever, to make the program even a tiny bit easier..? I have already started reviewing my anatomy notes, but is there any nursing books i can look at that might prepare me? I feel like if i can learn something now, anything at all, then thats one less thing I will have to learn later..even if its something small. I have 7 months of waiting and anticipating.... Any help i can get would be appreciated...:heartbeat Thanks!
106 Posts
I'm in the same boat as you... Playing the waiting game- well sort-of... I'm still taking Pre-requisites, so after I finish those I can enroll into the Nursing program--- but I wanna know too what I can do or read in the meantime! So I can't wait to read some of your responses!
11 Posts
I am also waiting to start at the end of March. I bought the cliffs notes for A&P and have been going over that just to refresh my memory. I have also seen several books at the bookstore that teach you study techniques, etc. I sat in the bookstore the other day for like 6 hours and read a really good one called "Nursing student Success Made Incredibly Easy". I also saw one called "How to survive and maybe even Love Nursing School". Im not sure if these books will help but they do help settle my nerves a little bit!
Another great piece of advice given to me recently is to begin looking up specific diseases and learning the normal anatomy of the organ or system affected and how the disease changes it, also list the signs and symptoms and the nursing dx for the disease. "Daytonite" has a great flow sheet you can download and use for this on this forum. I definatley recommend reading all of her posts. She gives wonderful advice!!!
Good luck to all those starting their program soon!!!