Hi All,
So I've only been a nurse for a little over a year in an ER in South Alabama. I absolutely love my job and (most of) my coworkers lol. I was a tech first where I work now so I've been in the same hospital since March of 2012.
One of the things that I've really noticed is our extremely high rate of turn over for nurses in our facility, and specifically our ED. I know this is probably a nationwide issue in nursing and not any unit specific, but it just seems like our management sees it and does nothing to try and improve the morale in the hospital and in our ER.
It's very disheartening to go into work, excited to be there and literally NO one else is enjoying being at work. Now, I'm not talking about the "OMG! We're going to Disney" level of excitement, but just enjoying what you do.
So here's my question for all of you awesome nurses/techs/CNAs and whoever else is on AN tonight:
How (if addressed at all by your facility) has your facility strived to reduce the level of turn over in your facility? What part (if any) have you played in raising morale on your unit? What do you think would improve your work experience? What changes would you like to see from management to make you excited to come to work and be a part of a team?