How to become footcare nurse in Ontario?

World Canada


I'm a RPN student just about to finish up my last year of school in Ottawa-Algonquin College and I've been really interested in becoming a footcare nurse in hopes of starting my own business. I hoped to take a course when I finish to become certified but there is no such "certification" process according to the Canadian Association of Footcare Nurses of Ontario. Algonquin College has indefinitely stopped their footcare nursing courses. The only courses I can find are through College of Health Studies (onine) and Footcare Kingston which is partly online, however they have a 6 day course/workshop in Ottawa but the total for the program is $3000.00! I feel like it's a bit of a money grab especially when I would have to purchase all of my tools etc and it's not even a certified program. Or is this the average cost to become an educated footcare nurse?

I am so confused as to what the best way is to get some education/experience to become a qualified footcare nurse and I need advice from anyone from Ontario who is a footcare nurse. Where did you study? Is it better to shadow a footcare nurse for experience? What is the best route to take in your opinion?

Footcare Kingston has a good reputation amoung the footcare nurses that I know.

I think St Clair college still does their classes. That is where I took mine.

Hi I am also a RPN in Ottawa and I am interested in foot care nursing too, just wondering How have you been? Did you get any foot care training eventually? Thanks

There are programs that make you a certified foot care nurse. Durham College and Mohawk College each have a program. The College of Health Studies offers a certificate program.

Thanks for your information ?

On 11/5/2019 at 1:08 PM, Vera said:

Hi I am also a RPN in Ottawa and I am interested in foot care nursing too, just wondering How have you been? Did you get any foot care training eventually? Thanks

Hi Vera!

Yes I am now a foot care nurse full time and I have my own business. I took the theory online with Kingston foot care, then took my practical with tired sole and they hired me as a contractor. I work all over the place! I take on their clients and my own as well.

Let me know if you need any guidance, tired sole is always looking for nurses too!!

Thanks bananorama, how is the practical with tired sole, is that easy to pass? I am thinking to take the same course with Kingston foot care too. Thanks

Understanding the theory is really important, if I were you go local with tired sole, they have a great theory and practical. And you will have tons of support from other foot care nurses. Just keep in mind it's really expensive to get started: fees for training, tools etc is not cheap, and you need a car for sure

Hi bananorama, thanks for your reply! True, its really expensive I guess almost 4K for the whole course. I will take your advice and thanks again for your valuable information. All the best!

Hi, bananorama, I am planning to attend algonquin college practical nursing program and I want to know how that program is. I am currently an international student and I need to get a job as soon as I graduate the school. How is the co-op and placement in algonquin?? Is there many international students? please reply to me!! i'm looking forward to your respond..

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