Published Sep 16, 2005
6 Posts
Here is the CT results:
How Bad is This? I'm 46... Currently I wear 100 mcg Fentanyl Patch (Sandoz) and take 30mg Roxicodone for BT
L1-2 Contrast is seen centrally in the disc and there is a small central protrusion seen or disc herniation. There is mild bulging of the disc annulus. the protruding or herniating contrast causes a mild impression on the thecal sac, does not appear to be overall spinal stenosis
L2-3 There is contrast centrally in the disc space which then protrudes to a moderate degree centrally and left laterally. the appearance is consistant with disc herniation. the prtruding contrast causes a mild impression centrally on the thecal sac and more prominent narrowing or stenosis of the left lateral recess. There is likely some diffuse disc bulging and there may be some overall narrowing of the thecal sac.
L3-4 Contrast is seen centrally in the disc space and then there is a large amount of contrast extending from the disc space into the left lateral recess and going inferiorly. there is a more mild central protrusion of contrast. Contrast appears to leak and herniates into the left lateral recess extending inferiorly consistant with disc herniation. There is also bulging of the disc annulus and a mild impression on the thecal sac.
L4-5 Contrast centrally in the disc and then a small central broad based disc protrusion consistant with a small herniation with protruding contrast. There is a mild impression on the thecal sac. There is also disc bulging and there is mild narrowing bilaterally of the lateral recesses and probably of the neuroforamen. there is also some contrast bulging in the left anterolateral projection. Slight facet sclerosis is seen bilaterally.
L5-S1 Additional axial images were obtained at L5-S1; no contrast is present. There appears to be some mild bulging of the disc annulus. Mild bilateral facet sclerosis. Mild narrowing of the neuroforamen from disc bulging.
Thanks Alan
44 Posts
Hello Alen,
I am going at 9am in the morning to get my FINAL MRI results....scarey, I wonder what kind of symptoms you are having?
JoBug, who NEEDS to TRY and sleep before this appt...
Good Luck! I have Chronic Pain in my lower back that wraps around front near thecal sac, pain up and down spine, sciatica, and now it seems to be spreading to the right side as well!
Let me know how it comes out!
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
You have to take your results to a qualified practitioner to read any scan accurately. It is impossible to do so over the internet and it should NOT be done over the internet.
10 Articles; 19,022 Posts
sorry to hear that you are in pain. the info you posted is about radiology results that require medical interpretation.
as a reminder from our tos:
this is not a medical advice bulletin board
this is a board for nurses and nurses-to-be to discuss primarily nursing issues. this is not a free medical advice board. please be aware that cannot be responsible for problems resulting from reliance on medical or nursing advice received here. if you have a medical problem, please seek attention from your health care provider.
the art of diagnosis combines interpretation of test results along with a physical exam. sorry we are unable to help you with this request.
here's hoping your medical providers find the most effective treatment plan for you.