Houston Baptist University FNP

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello! I was writing to see if anyone has applied to the HBU FNP or PNP program. I am looking into my options since a hiccup in my personal life disallowed me to accept another schools offer, and found the HBU program which is all online and now accredited. The website is very vague in terms of application process and admission requirements, however I am very curious on the offerings the program has. I have reached out to the school, but have yet to hear from them and would love the insight from other current/prospective students.

Specializes in MNN.
On 11/30/2019 at 11:40 PM, MarCar22 said:

Hi ? I have also been accepted into the HBU FNP Spring 20’ program. Honestly the first 3 courses are freaking me out. Are you guys doing anything to prepare? I was hoping to buy the advanced pharm and patho books now to start...

In the latest email, it gives instructions for looking up the books in the bookstore. I rented mine on amazon after looking up the titles in the bookstore. Also, did you see that online orientation is up on blackboard? See you all Wednesday!

Specializes in MNN.
On 12/23/2019 at 3:34 PM, ShannonSR said:

Hi everyone,

I am currently in the FNP program at HBU. I will graduate in the fall of 2020. Don't worry too much about the program. The professors are really great and understanding. They communicate quickly if you have questions or concerns. Ya'll will do great. Adv patho and pharm are very doable together. Remember you have your foundation. You are just building on what you know.

Best of luck.

Thank you! I keep hearing this advice over and over—to not worry; it’s doable. Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

Specializes in School Nurse.

Hello everyone,

I am looking at applying to the PNP program starting in June or August. How do yall like the program? I am worried about online school and was wondering how the classes were structured. Is there a lot of interaction with the professors or is it mainly self learning?

Specializes in ICU.

I have applied for the FNP Fall 2020 program. I have also been accepted at UTA. Trying to get some insight into the HBU program to see which would be a better choice. I like the cost and length, but don't know if the workload will be too much with a full time job.

Specializes in NICU, RNC-NIC, CPN.

This is kind of a loaded question....it's more self taught learning, unfortunately. I know there are a ton of programs that are like this, but in my opinion, this is a lot of money and a ton or responsibility for future practitioners to have "self taught " classes. Clinical placements are not guarenteed, you get a list of prior placements, but these contracts are not in place, so you essentially can be stuck without a placement....contrary to what is sold as secured placements. UTA doesn't gurantee placements either, but I believe the classes are structured better. Anesu if you can financially, I would look into possibly dropping to part time, work/life/school balance is soooo much better with working part time. I did it and it was a game changer. I don't want to dismay your choice, but you get what you pay for...quite a bit of my cohort is withdrawing and transferring to other programs, so that tells you something. .? good luck with everything!!

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate the feedback.

Specializes in School Nurse.

I am sorry to hear that Erica. I am starting the PNP program online and was afraid that it was going to be a lot of self teaching. I talked to the director and she assured me that there would be a lot of support. I am hoping for a good cohort so at least we will be in it together.

Specializes in MNN.
23 hours ago, Erica12 said:

This is kind of a loaded question....it's more self taught learning, unfortunately. I know there are a ton of programs that are like this, but in my opinion, this is a lot of money and a ton or responsibility for future practitioners to have "self taught " classes. Clinical placements are not guarenteed, you get a list of prior placements, but these contracts are not in place, so you essentially can be stuck without a placement....contrary to what is sold as secured placements. UTA doesn't gurantee placements either, but I believe the classes are structured better. Anesu if you can financially, I would look into possibly dropping to part time, work/life/school balance is soooo much better with working part time. I did it and it was a game changer. I don't want to dismay your choice, but you get what you pay for...quite a bit of my cohort is withdrawing and transferring to other programs, so that tells you something. .? good luck with everything!!

I asked people before I started the program at HBU. Many of them said it’s “doable” and not to worry. I hated that word because what did that mean?? I have just finished my first semester and guess what? It’s doable! ?. It feels very overwhelming at first and sometimes still gets that way but I think if you apply yourself you will be completely fine. I wouldn’t want to change schools. I do like the professors. Very realistic and understanding. They truly do want us to be successful.

Specializes in MNN.
2 hours ago, BeckyJen said:

I am sorry to hear that Erica. I am starting the PNP program online and was afraid that it was going to be a lot of self teaching. I talked to the director and she assured me that there would be a lot of support. I am hoping for a good cohort so at least we will be in it together.

I feel like we do have so much support. I’ve been happy with the program so far and am excited to learn new things. This is what I’ve wanted for a long time and I want to soak it up!

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you for responding ladies. The consensus I am getting is that this is a good choice. Just like with anything, I'll get what I put into it. I just missed the June cutoff, so I am going for Fall admission. If anyone is starting then I'm open to study groups etc. We got this..

Specializes in School Nurse.

Hello Everyone,

I am signed up to start the online PNP program in just 2 weeks. I was looking at the book list for the Leadership class and Research and was wondering if anyone had suggestions on to buy, rent, ect or were selling their books. I would love to connect with other nurses in the program. I am nervous and this is going to be my first online class.

Specializes in MNN.

Rent unless you plan to use the book in the future for your practice. The APA May be one worth buying as it’s the newest edition and you will use it throughout the program. CONGRATS on starting the program!

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