Hospital acquired pneumonia vs. Community acquired............I


was recently diagnosed with pneumonia. Since I haven't worked in a public setting for a couple of months - - the doctor diagnosed it a "community acquired pneumonia."

The local hospital is hiring extra nurses for Jan., Feb., and Mar. ""flu - bronchitis- and pneumonia "season."

And, the docs say our pharmacies are running low on the flu med - - -tamiflu...

So, the question is: Did you guys get get flu shots.....?

What do you predict ? big flu year in your neck of the woods..?

it is revving up here................with accompanying g.i. symptoms.....

And, do you think avian flu will jump to humans in the U.S........???

Just curious.

was recently diagnosed with pneumonia. Since I haven't worked in a public setting for a couple of months - - the doctor diagnosed it a "community acquired pneumonia."

The local hospital is hiring extra nurses for Jan., Feb., and Mar. ""flu - bronchitis- and pneumonia "season."

And, the docs say our pharmacies are running low on the flu med - - -tamiflu...

So, the question is: Did you guys get get flu shots.....?

What do you predict ? big flu year in your neck of the woods..?

it is revving up here................with accompanying g.i. symptoms.....

And, do you think avian flu will jump to humans in the U.S........???

Just curious.

Lets see:

No, I didn't get the flu shot, waiting foe PCP to get it in.

I don't think this year will be much of an increase over any others I've experienced.

Flu is always big here in SW Floroda given the age of my county's population. More the 60% are over 60.

The avian flu has not mutated in bird to human and this is what would have to occur, for it to impact on us. It has yet to mutate in its country of orgin, China. I remember the Swine Flu episode and the mandatory vaccination as preparation for preventing a panedemic. It failed to happen.


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