
Nurses General Nursing


Ok so this is embarrassing. I got a DUI a few years ago. I was very young and stupid. I am now working in LTC. I have discovered I have a soft spot for Hospice. I cannot work for hospice can I? Not with a DUI on my record? Isn't that true? Don't they look at your driving record?

I don't know. I work inside a 10 patient hospice building called a "hospice house" and I do not do any driving. I would call the hospice manager of the place that you are interested in and ask them these questions about DUI.

Good luck.;)

I actually did write a manager of home care to ask them. I knew someone who worked in Home Care and they were keeping track of the points on her license and thats why I am worried.

Specializes in Lie detection.
I actually did write a manager of home care to ask them. I knew someone who worked in Home Care and they were keeping track of the points on her license and thats why I am worried.

You need to be more concerned with how this affects your nursing license. Did you ever notify your nursing board of the DUI ? Most employers will want to know about any convictions including a DUI. Some states consider it a misdemeanor and some a felony. It depends on which one you were charged with. So yes this could potentially affect any future employment.

Also, did you take any classes or do any kinds of treatment? Anything positive to kind of offset this negative act? Something that you could bring up at an interview that may help?

Good luck!

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