Published Aug 23, 2010
4 Posts
I am a new hospice nurse and have came across a problem, I have a pt whose living conditions are deplorable, there are safety concerns and my pt's meds are being taken by who only knows. I am new in my job so I don't want to start a ruckus, but this is my license we are talking about here and I am a single mom of six so it mondo important to keep that license( not to mention all the hard work I have put into it) So what are my choices? How can I say I do not want any part of this cluster because I am fearful of it ruining my career and not get fired? Can I refuse this assignment as the case manager? What are my choices? HELP!!!!!
7 Posts
Not all living situations or family dynamics are going to be ideal. You could bring in the idt members and ask for help from your supervisor and make this a learning experience. If you do what you can and honor your nursing ethics you wont be putting your license in any jeparody. Helping this patient in this time of greatest need should be a priority.
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
Go to IDT with the problem. Get MSW involved. Report to Elderly Protection, even if the pt doesn't want to leave the home, at least you have documentation that you are trying to do SOMETHING. Document you a$$ off!
1,350 Posts
Are you feeling like YOUR safety is compromised? If so, then you CAN refuse the assignment. I've done so a few times since I've been doing hospice.
I've had a patient like yours. I did not know that there were so many different kinds of cockroaches in the world until I worked in her home. Her meds were disappearing as well, and once the fire department had to knock down her door to get in because she had a stroke and was not able to answer the door (no caretakers). It was a horrible situation, but I did not feel like I was in danger when I saw her, so I kept at it and had reams of documentation. As long as you document, and get adult services involved, you've covered yourself, I think, and really I don't see how you would lose your license in such a situation because none of what you're describing is being caused by you.
Thank You soooooo much guys!!! My boss called in our Social Worker, and they made calls to DFS and all hell broke loose, but not from our end, from the pts caretaker, to make a long story short, they threatened our well being there and then revoked, so we no longer are responsible for them. Thanks a ton for the great advice!!!!!! I will tuck it in my mental filing cabinet for future use.