Hoping you guys get in

U.S.A. Texas


Specializes in Adult ER.

hey there, this is a message for all you guys waiting for your acceptance letters. every day i come onto this site to see if any of you guys get accepted into your programs, weird yes i know cause i'm not even from tx (hoping to move down soon though :D ). i remember what it was like to be waiting for someone else to make the decision that will shape your life for the next few years.

well i know its april and most of you should be getting your letters soon :biggringi sooooooooo i'm sending a big prayer and hopeful wishes your way (ok i know that sounded lame but my brain isn't working and i couldn't think of the words that i wanted to use that would have fit in there :uhoh21: :mad: but i'm sure you get the idea lol)


Thanks, Danielle!! We appreciate your support!

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

[bANANA]Thank You![/bANANA]

[banana]Thank You![/banana]

You're getting so close now!! :balloons:

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