to all homeowners in florida...


hello guys...this question is for all home owners out in florida and had fallen inlove with a house that is 2 years old.when we have inspected the house first time it is in good condition and needs minimal fixing up and cleaning up most especially the carpet, the bathrooms plus theres a lot of stuff in the garage.. i made an offer and wrote on the contract all the things needed to be fixed and that the house should be clean up before the closng. the seller agreed. we have shceduled a walk through friday last week (this is after a month of the offer)but got it cancelled because the state of the house is still the same as it was) .we got it again scheduled this monday but my realtor said that when they went there this morning it still is not cleaned yet. the owner said that shell get it done we reschedule the walk through again on tuesday and the closing on wednesday..i am so frustrated as i tried to accomodate all their cancellations despite the diffiuclty of doing it as i am working too . the seller doesnt seem to be so enthusiastic about the whole process. my question is what can i do if by tuesday , theres nothing that has been done yet?...can i cancel the closing? what other options do i have?...please i need your advise...thanks...

Tell the seller you have found another house, and that if she/he doesn't get their act together you will buy the other place instead.

I would talk to your realtor or real estate attorney. Do your walk thru and closing. Have $5000 held in escrow and charge the seller daily rent until they get their crap out and the house cleaned. Believe me, they will have the house cleaned very fast. If your realtor isnt hip to this and you dont have a real estate attorney--get one! They usually dont charge more than $500. and they will really look out for you.

good luck and let us know what happens

hello guys...this question is for all home owners out in florida and had fallen inlove with a house that is 2 years old.when we have inspected the house first time it is in good condition and needs minimal fixing up and cleaning up most especially the carpet, the bathrooms plus theres a lot of stuff in the garage.. i made an offer and wrote on the contract all the things needed to be fixed and that the house should be clean up before the closng. the seller agreed. we have shceduled a walk through friday last week (this is after a month of the offer)but got it cancelled because the state of the house is still the same as it was) .we got it again scheduled this monday but my realtor said that when they went there this morning it still is not cleaned yet. the owner said that shell get it done we reschedule the walk through again on tuesday and the closing on wednesday..i am so frustrated as i tried to accomodate all their cancellations despite the diffiuclty of doing it as i am working too . the seller doesnt seem to be so enthusiastic about the whole process. my question is what can i do if by tuesday , theres nothing that has been done yet?...can i cancel the closing? what other options do i have?...please i need your advise...thanks...

They probably got a better offer on the house and are trying to make you cancel. I would definitely charge them a daily rate until they clean up

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Cutenurse is right. Houses are going like hotcakes in Florida. If the seller is stalling she may be waiting for you to get mad and cancel the contract so she can get more money for it. As mentioned, have your realtor have $$ held in escarow, or clean it up yourself if you really want the house at the asking price. My daughter tried to buy a house 3 years ago and every time she put in a bid (asking price mind you, not lower price) she got turned down, usually 2 or 3 days later. "Sorry, the seller says she already has a buyer, we weren't fast enough" Seems people in the know would offer a few hundred more. That happened to her 7 times until she offered a few hundred more. And that was 3 years ago. Things are worse now........Good Luck

I think your next move will be dictated by how much you like & want that house. Most of Florida is a "seller's market" right now. Prices of houses across the state are constantly & rapidly going up. It is possible that the owner feels that a better price can be gotten if he/she can irritate you enough that you will cancel the contract. If cleaning up the house was a term of the purchase contract, you may need to retain a real estate attorney to help straighten this out.

However, if you really like the house and feel your getting a good price on it, you might better off biting the bullet and cleaning it up yourself. The longer you delay in purchasing a house, the more the median home prices will go up.

Time is on the side of the seller.

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