Published Jul 4, 2017
4 Posts
We are looking at making changes to our orientation. Please share your experiences both good and bad. I also welcome suggestions.
38,333 Posts
It is better to offer no orientation at all than to provide a six hour orientation that provides no more information than how to fill out self-explanatory forms, pay the attendees at minimum wage, then offer no work following the orientation. The surprising fact out of all of this is that the one instance of "pay" entitles this employer to misrepresent reality to the unemployment department to insure the 'employee' can not draw unemployment. Why would an employer that offers no employment wish to keep a person that needs to work from drawing a pittance until they can find an employer that wants to provide them with work?
In other words, make the orientation worthwhile for more than a straw argument with government agencies over whether one is an employee or non-employee.
Thank you for your reply. No reputable agency would offer orientation of only 6 hours to any nurse. Our program is 8 weeks with continued support after the 8 weeks. Our agency provides skilled services.
I got no orientation with a new agency one time as I flew out the office door to provide coverage. The difference was that the DPCS who handed me the forms and a copy of the skeleton 485 was professional enough to have answered any questions.
3,726 Posts
I would like to develop a 2-3 part orientation. We provide 3 months with a preceptor and substantial online courses. It's a generous and comprehensive orientation program. However, the vast amount of information and its application cannot be fully realized in 3 mos and tacking on more months at this juncture isn't the solution either.
Rather following some time to practice what has been learned and then reconnect the new staff back with a preceptor at 1 year and again at 2 yrs for 2-4 weeks to further develop working knowledge of both the industry and of advance case management.
I have never heard of any company that provides such an orientation but I think it has merit worth considering and would benefit employee, patient and company.
17 Posts
I am new in my position as clinical director and need to develop an orientation paragraph as well as calendar for In services training.