Published Nov 22, 2015
121 Posts
Hi Canadian Nurses!
I've been binge reading the home health section of AN. A lot of information over there, and very helpful, but it is really geared towards the US of A's home health system, with lots of information on medicare and OASIS and such. I am wondering if you guys have any recommendations for a nurse starting out in home health in Canada? Books, online resources, information on working with CCAC and such?
Any thing would be appreciated! Thank you!
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
What kind of information are you looking for?
I'm looking for recommendations for Canada specific resources for home health RNs. Particularly texts, though I'm not sure a Canada specific one exists, but one with some US info in it such as medicare is ok, just a comprehensive text would be helpful (covering assessment, for example).
As well as info on CCAC guidelines, maybe pertaining to eligibility and coverage for clients, so I am up-to-speed on resources available for clients and can advocate effectively.
Assessment in the home setting would be no different than any other setting. Eligibility and coverage is determined by each case worker. Available resources would vary with each community.
Thank you loriangel14
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
You could start googling various community resources in your area to get a feel for what's out there. A community nurse will need to know things like: closest food bank, prenatal programs and resources specific to the area, services offered through your area Primary Care Network, social services contacts, and the outpatient resources offered by the closest acute care centre.
Check with your preceptor or some of your experienced colleagues.
32 Posts
I've been working in home health for 5 years in Ontario. I've found that much of the resource info is compiled by each individual and shared amongst colleagues. There Is not a central database that holds all this info. As for CCAC...perhaps we might not be dealing with THAT much longer anyways. ..we shall see.
xokw, BSN, RN
498 Posts
Yeah, there are no guidelines, it's just a mess of stuff, basically. Really.
Thank you everyone for your input
If you are interested in learning about the nursing framework and standards for community health nurses, you can download the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards on the web.
Thank you. I have downloaded those and read them. I'm still looking for a good canadian text or pocket guide but alas, it doesn't appear there are any. Oh well
There is a text called Community health nursing in Canada, still used in the BSCN programmes. Not worth buying, but you could see if the library has a copy.