Published Dec 11, 2006
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I am a new LPN (June 2006) that works fulltime at a clinic and started working for an agency as a flu nurse. When flu season ended I was offered a private case with a 4 year old girl with a trach. I really think that home health nursing is my side niche. I can really give the patient my full care and attention and I don't feel neglectful. I hated med-surg (was only there for 6 weeks as a formality), and while I do love working for my clinic, I am thinking of making home health care my second job.
What are the things that I should be looking out for in home care? My skills are not that great, so to speak, and will not gain much more in the clinic. Currently, I am looking for a refresher course for basic care such as vents, dressings, IV care and things that will be important in the home care setting. I really want to make this work because with this, I feel like a real nurse that is using ALL of the skills without all of the stress. Any advice would be appreciated!
1,842 Posts
does your employer offer some in-service re: the basic care that you mentioned (when I was working for a home health employer, they offered IV skills, physical assessment, etc)
I have to ask. I think it is not that frequent, because I was offered this case and took the initiative on my own to visit the home to orient myself to the client, paperwork and such. The mother is a very savy person, that had no problem with me being a new nurse. I read all that I can and have been there three times, now. I really like the case, and the little girl is sweet (I am surprized because I normally don't want to deal with pediatric patients). I revisited trach care and pediatric CPR in my textbooks, and I also had nurses at my job review some things with me. But, I do want to study again with an instructor. Unfortunately, I work Monday through Friday at my main job that offers the benefits and would have to know WELL in advance so that I can schedule some time off. But, I'll do what I have to do.