Home from Afghanistan!

Specialties Government


I finally arrived home Tuesday evening, after a super-long journey spanning thousands of miles. I left my "home" in Afghanistan on 28 February with multi-day stops in Bagram and Kuwait, then home to Georgia from Kuwait via Germany, New Hampshire, Indy, and Ft. Bliss. Whew. So glad to be home! It's been a long nine months. Thanks to everyone for your support. :)

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Welcome home, thanks for your service. Hitting to Supermarket the first time back is a trip. It'll take a bit for the glow of the first deployment to thin, but when it does, don't feel bad about talking to other people in your unit who deployed with you. It helps to put the process in perspective...completes the circle. If your FST was at an austere FOB, watch some episodes of MASH...they take on a whole new level. ;)

Yeah, it was austere and then some. lol. It wasn't even a FOB, it was a District Support Platform (DSP). It's still a little surreal to be home, and to have so many options for everything! I came home and wanted to get rid of half of my "things," I felt like I had so much stuff after living with so little for 9 months. It's all good, though. And thank YOU for your service, too. :)

Specializes in ED. ICU, PICU, infection prevention, aeromedical e.

Too many "things"!! Yep. I was unpacking my household when I got back and was freaking out over how many glasses I had! I remember complaining: who needs this many glasses? I sent boxes of stuff with a friend who could use it all. lol.

And grocery stores! I stared into the cheese display for a long time just overwhelmed with so many amazing choices.

2nd time coming back was easier for me.

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