HMA Triage policies???


Does anyone know what type of triage system the HMA hospitals use in the ER? I'm assuming it's the 5 level ESI but would like clarification. Thanks! Oh..and do they have protocols?

Specializes in LTC, Disease Management, smoking Cessati.

I would like to know why all the abbreviations... what are you asking about what system what ER ...... it happens all the time, not just you and I'm not picking on you, but if we don't know what you are asking how can we help... it seems like there is no end to it.... Yikes.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

I don't know anything about HMA hospitals. You might try posting your question in the ER nursing forum.

Sorry....I'm new to the forum and didn't realize there was an ER specific place to post. I recently relocated and most of the hospitals in the area are owned by HMA(Health Management Associates). I have been an ER Nurse for over 10 years and most of the hospitals I have worked at switched over the the 5 level acuity triage system years ago. Some hospital ER's still use a 3 level system and my primary role has always been as a triage nurse so I thought I would ask the forum before I went for the interview. I was asking about protocols as there is nothing as frustrating as looking at a diaphoretic overweight male clutching his chest and trying to locate a Dr to give you an order for an ekg and cardiac workup. I'll surf around the site and find the ER gang...Thanks! :)

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