HIV and annual health review


To start, I was recently diagnosed with HIV and currently work as a bedside RN in a large university hospital. My insurance company is aware, as is my prescription plan due to my medication regimen.

Each year my employer requires an annual health review where they ask if you take medications, have any health issues, etc We also go through the PPD screening as well.

My question is this: Is there any reason that I would need to disclose my diagnosis and medications to my employer's occupational health department? I'm not comfortable doing so, and don't trust that my confidentiality will be kept. At the same time, I feel uncomfortable with essentially lying by omission.


Hi Cruzer -

I would think that we're entitled to the same HI. PPA protections as our patients. I am unclear as to the legal requirements when an RN has a communicable disease that is not easily transmitted. I'm not sure if you are straight or gay, and don't want to assume that you have HIV because you are gay. That being said, a gay organization or HIV prevention organization may be able to steer you to reliable information as to the legalities and your rights as they pertain to this situation. You may even want to go so far as to consult an attorney who handles employment law. Good luck.

Yes speak to a attorney or as stated contact a gay organization or HIV prevention organization you dont have to be gay to ask for advise from those organizations. They are a great sourse of information and advise.

ADA laws state that it is illegal to fire someone based on HIV status, and the CDC does not state that the practice of RNs with HCV or HIV should be limited. I believe that HIPPA laws also make us able to not disclose any health conditions UNLESS you are requesting accommodation based on ADA laws or if the disease is easily communicable as in TB and such. Of course you could always report your HIV and if you get fired, limited in your job duties, or retaliated against, then you would have a nice ADA lawsuit on your hands!

Specializes in Trauma, Emergency.

all technicalities aside, that's a tough Dx to receive and i am sending you hugs and strength. :redpinkhe

Specializes in Intermediate care.

Can you receive PPD with HIV?? (not sure) but i would not think you would have to share that information.

Can you receive PPD with HIV?? (not sure) but i would not think you would have to share that information.

HIV infected individuals can get the PPD. The only contradiction is a severe reaction in the past. TB cannot develop from the PPD test, even in immunocompromised people. And I too, am sending hugs to the OP. So sorry you have gotten this news :-( Like people have already said, go seek support from an HIV support project, they would be happy to advise you on your legal rights! You can continue to work as a nurse but you will have to learn real quickly how to advocate for yourself!

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