Published Oct 28, 2022
Naomi M
9 Posts
If you mention someone you know such a fiance/husband/brother/sister etc. By their first name to a patient and tell them there going through chemo or they have diabetes or they have epilepsy etc. Are you breaking HIPAA or do you have to include both the first and last name? And how does it work if it's a family member of yours not theirs? I know if it's there's you can't tell without the patients consent is it the same if it's your family? These were questions I forgot to ask in school and never really thought of until someone in my family started getting sick
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
If they are not your patient then you are not doing anything to worry about.
Thank you I wasn't sure
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,930 Posts
Regardless of HIPAA I still wouldn't disclose anybody's health information without their consent. Yes, that includes family. When my mother was diagnosed with cancer I told nobody, including family who all live out of state. When she passed away my family was upset I hadn't even told them she was ill but it was my mother's wishes not to tell anybody so I simply did what she wanted. So moral of the story is don't assume it's OK to reveal any medical information without permission.