Highland CC in Freeport, IL?


Specializes in Ortho/Neuro (2yrs); Mom/Baby (6yrs); LDRPN (4+yr).

Anyone here familiar with the program there? I may be transferring there and would love to know a few things about it.

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro (2yrs); Mom/Baby (6yrs); LDRPN (4+yr).
Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to Il state forum

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro (2yrs); Mom/Baby (6yrs); LDRPN (4+yr).

Thank you. Didn't know there was an IL forum. :o

One last try for info... anyone?

I actually was contaplating moving to freeport IL, myself. Majority of my family live there. I heard that they had a wonderful RN program at HCC.

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro (2yrs); Mom/Baby (6yrs); LDRPN (4+yr).

We decided to stick it out in NY for one more year which will allow me to finish my RN program here, but we're still headed to the Freeport area for the same reason, as most of my family is located out there (just west of Freeport in Kent).

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