Hiding Money from Physicians


How do you hide a dollar from an orthopedic surgeon?

Tape it to the chart.

How do you hide a dollar from an internal medicine doc?

Tape it to the patient's forehead.

How do you hide a dollar from a general surgeon?

Tape it to the surgeon's child's forehead.

How do you hide a dollar from a cardio-thoracic surgeon?

You can't.

We came up with these during a boring day in the OR. Can you all think of any more?

Kevin McHugh

Specializes in SICU.

These are cute... I think I'll print this and tape it up at work. :)

How could you not mention OB/GYNs in there? Anywhere above the woman's waste would seem like a good spot to hide a buck...

How do you hide a dollar from an ER doctor?

No need most of the patients don't pay.


Won't say for sure it is a dollar.


Put it in the patient's sock.


LOVE the radiologist one!!!

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Fergus, You beat me too it...Good one...

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