Published Apr 14, 2016
Curious Joe
6 Posts
I am here to help my girlfriend make the right choice in becoming an RN. She is currently a caregiver and recently lost her client (deceased). She is unbelievably hard-working -- her agency LOVES her -- and now has her sights set on becoming an RN.
She's from the Philippines but recently became a citizen (on her own recognizance). Since I'm a little more adept at this message board / online stuff, I thought I'd do some of the research for her. Part of the reason for this is her local CC's have not been very helpful with the process. And there are either very long wait lists, or absurdly high tuitions (private).
She has two children and will still have to work while getting her degree. As such, I assume an online college might be the way to go. Is this true? And if so, can you recommend some? She lives in Orange County, Ca, if that matters.
She is a little nervous about online degrees due to the lack of teacher-student interaction and quality of education. Again, something I know nothing about...thus my question(s) to you. As an aside, her employer was grossly underpaying her -- it was actually illegal -- and that's another reason I'm she doesn't get taken advantage of again and can make the right choice (there are SO many).
Thank you very much for your time.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
It will be very unlikely to be able to complete a pre-licensure nursing degree online. There will be in-person clinicals required. There are some hybrid options, where lecture can be completed online. She will have to investigate options that are local to her in order to be able to complete the clinical portion.
Thank you for the reply. I may have posted this in the wrong forum. Put simply, my question is what would be the best avenue for her to take in getting her RN? I am guessing that an online program would be best. If so, what are the best ones? Thanks again.
5,234 Posts
No, you didn't post this in the wrong forum. What we are telling you and you are not hearing is that your wife cannot become an RN by going to an on-line only school. There are one or two schools that do a combination of some on-line classes along with clinicals but they are only available in a very few places and I'm not sure if California even recognizes them as their Board of Nursing is very strict about education. Simply put there are absolutely no on-line only schools where you wife can go to get her RN education.
Thank you Wuzzie, that was helpful. Is there anything else you could add that can help her with this process? Basically, do's and dont's. It's all very new to her and has been somewhat complicated so far. This is a big priority for her and she will get it done, no question. I just wish we had an easier road map to start -- there are so many schools in LA/OC. And finding good, sound advice has not been easy.
Again, thanks for the help!
81 Posts
The only school in CA that is online is western governors university BUT it has in person labs and clinicals. Very flexible for the working professional/mom/etc. She will run into trouble at any nursing school because I'm assuming she does not have any prerequisites completed. She will need to do those at either a community college or via straighterline(also online). I would call WGU and talk to a counselor and see what they suggest. It may also be a long and arduous road unfortunately
Great info ER-CPT, thanks a lot!