HFCC 221/222


Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

I'll be a second year nursing student in the fall 2009:yeah:. I'll have 221/222 this fall and I'm really nervous about starting, beacause I don't know what to expect:confused:. I heard that this is the hardest course in the entire program:cry:. Is there anybody out there that can tell me anything about this course:confused:?

congrats on being a 2nd year student at hfcc; i just graduated there in may and just passed nclex. 221 and 222 arent that bad of classes, and i personally found ob and peds harder, but everyone has a different opinion. just make sure you are not behind on studying and take notes of stuff the instructor says is important and you should do fine. goodluck!!

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

Can u tell me what 221/222 are all about?

they basically go through the different body systems in 221 it's respiratory, cardiac, and kidneys, and then 222 is gi, reproductive, and neuro. maybe start studying now, and get yourself a saunders review book if you havent already.it's not all so bad. i think if i could do it really anyone can. its just rough right now because having difficulty finding a job :(.

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

Thank you for answering the question. I hope you have luck finding a job, I hear that it's rough for novice nurses right now. Again thanks

In my personal opinion, I found 221 to be the hardest course in the program. 222 wasn't so bad. You will have to become familiar with a ton of disorders, meds and that blasted math test. If you pass the math test the first time they will give you extra points toward your grade as long as your passing. You are now starting to learn how to deal with different diseases and the appropriate actions and meds to deal with them. You also have to know about diabetes and everything about every kind of insulin. I will be honest and admit that a number of students struggle the most in 221. Unfortunately I've seen 221 take out more students then any other class. I'm not saying this to scare you but to take it seriously. If you stay on top of your studies and stay focused, you should be fine.

BTW, If they are offering supplemental, I would highly recommend it especially of D.D. is teaching it.

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

Just_An_Illusion: I want to thank you 4 the input. That dreeded math test will be Thursday. I think I know the math enough to pass :wink2:. I am taking supplemental this semester, I hope I understand it :confused: & on top on of that I can't help it, but I'm sooo nervous about this semester. Pls pray 4 me.

No problem. You should be fine just make sure you spend plenty of time studying. Make sure you understand the classifications of the drugs, their action, side effects and contraindications. Also understand the patho and nursing actions of the different disorders. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't quite understand. Make your instructor explain it to you. The math test isn't too bad - I believe you have to calculate drops per minute and piggybacks. Make sure you do the practice test on the K drive. Being nervous about it is very natural and understandable. It keeps you motivated and on top of things. Do you have the Lewis companion book? I found it to be very, very helpful. It summarizes the disorders in a much easier format than the big Lewis book. You can and you will do this. Go on the offensive and tackle this class. I know you can do it.

If you have any questions with anything, feel free to PM me.:1luvu:

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

:wink2: Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have all those resources and I'll make sure I use them. I'm going to go into this semester with my head up and STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink2: :wink2: :wink2:. If I have any question I will PM u. :wink2: :up:

Specializes in ICU.

I too am a second yr student at HFCC as of August 27th 2009, lol. Just an FYI to you, the math test is Friday...so you have one more day to prepare then you thought:) I got sec 1 with an instructor I've never heard of. If anyone has anything to pass along I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm sure we'll be fine as long as we don't get cocky and think were above studying and studying and studying...lol! So, enjoy your next 3 days off...lord knows this break flew by for me:):cry:

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.

hey rn2b73: i know i've been practicing the math since i noticed it on the k drive. i have it mastered i just hope my brain don't freeze up when the test is presented; luckily for me we have 1 1/2 hour to do the test. i'm in sec 3 and may be we can get together to study sometimes :confused:. i'm going to enjoy these nest 3 days because i know i have to get back into my studying mode :banghead: :crying2: :typing :chuckle. pls feel free to send pm. c u @ orientation!!!!!!!!

Specializes in ICU.

Yeah I need to get studying the math I've been procrastinating!!!! Yes we will be in orientation together....I can't believe I've went thru the first yr with all these people and yet I don't know one person in my clinical group!!!!! I am in the accelerated program though and I guess our group was rather small compared to the traditional one....

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