HFCC 2017 Fall Program

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi everyone,

Was curious to see if anyone is applying for Henry fords fall program for 2017. Any current students in the program that can offer any tips or advice? Thanks!

not yet I will take it May 25th

Good luck! I hope you ACE it! I take it in July please let me know how it went! I have one question..how many points did you end up with with out the HESI?

thank you , I didn't really calculate my points without Hesi because it would be pointless if I fail lol. But we were told all you need is 45 points to get accepted.

Do you think it would have been a good idea if we took our HESI before completing pre requisites?

For me no I really needed to take math and English before I take the test.

I took the exam today and I passed, my cumulative score was %90 I didn't expect to pass! thank you so much.

WOW!! That's GREAT I'm

So happy for you! What a relief! ...how long would you say it took you to study for it and what was the most difficult part of the test? I take mine in about 2 months so I'm a little anxious í ½í¸¬

Good afternoon everyone !! Did you all register this morning ? If so what section did you end up with ?

Yes! I registered! However, I wanted section 3 but for some reason it's closed

I registered for section 01. I logged on as soon as my clock said 8:00 AM. They filled up in a matter of hours after that.


Need help!

Is there anybody selling A&P 234 lab manual?

Hi there,


Just wana ask if you still have your A&P 2 lab manual? If so, is it for sale?

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