Published Sep 25, 2008
70 Posts
What is HESI??? Can someone clear this up? Thank you!
52 Posts
HESI is a company that does independant computerized testing for nursing schools. Some schools use these to see how the students are progressing and to predict student NCLEX scores. Some will also incorporate their HESI grade into the students grade at the school. I can only speak from my experience which is that in my ADN program we took a HESI after the 2nd semester which covered both semesters and had to get an 850 to pass. Then after the 4th semester we take an exit HESI which we also have to get an 850. The exit HESI covers everything we have learned in the past two years and we have 3 chances to pass or we are booted from the program. It's useful because studies have shown that if you can pass the HESI you can pass the NCLEX. In fact most of the recent grads I have talked to say the HESI was much harder than the NCLEX so I'm not gonna complain even though my exit HESI is 22 days away and I'm freakin out! Hope that helps!
Yes that helps a lot!! Thank you very much. My BSN program didn't have anything like that so that's why I was confused. Thank you again.
you're welcome!
15 Posts
My school also incorporates HESI as part of the class. We actually have a 3 credit class called NURSING SEMINAR where we are 'forced' to do the HESI pract tests on the web and send them to our professor as part of our grading. HESI is our exit exam, as well befor the NCLEX. if you do not pass the HESI, you do not graduate... i will take mine the first week of December...
At my school, we had ATI incorporated into our was a part of our grade as well. I didn't find it helpful.