HESI Prep Book 3rd edi. Vs 4th edi?? Help!

Nursing Students HESI


Good evening all,

I am fixing to take my HESI in a couple days and am very nervous. I bought the HESI admission assessment review book by elsveir 4th edition. But for some reason I see everyone raving about the 3rd edition? Is there a big difference I'm missing over all I've looked into both and they both seem pretty similar to me. It's just that everywhere I go they are always sold out of the 3rd edition and always have a full stock of the 4th edition. Does any one know why or if there's any difference between the two?


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your response. Good luck in nursing school. Please, do you suggest that I purchase 4th Ed? I have the 3rd edition of the Hesi A2 textbook.

The editions are basically the same! I had both. The 4th one just has both a pretest and a posttest and the 3rd only has one. & Thanks! Nursing school has been great. Going into semester 3/4. Good luck!

Thank you for taking your time to respond to my enquiries. I really appreciate it ma'am.

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