HESI entrance exam- STOP WORRYING!

Nursing Students HESI





OVERALL- 96.67%!!!

STUDY MATERIALS- HESI 3rd edition by Elsevier (sufficient for Math, and reading as far as getting a general understanding of both subjects. Vocab- some words on the HESI came straight out of the studyguide, but the majority of the words were well known words.)

KHANACADEMY.ORG- Used this website for the math as extra practice. It is a great site and it is free! It contains practice test, and videos showing you how to do everything you will need to learn for the HESI math portion.

I just got done taking my HESI entrance exam today. The only sections I had to complete were vocab, reading, and math. After stressing out for months, and mostly because I was dreading the math (haven't taken a math class in 9 years!!) I finally decided on a whim to just take the exam this morning, and I am so glad I did. I finally can stop worrying about this test now, and focus on my current classes again. I scored a 96 overall on the 3 subjects, and I was hoping to be able to get around an 85. So when I was done I felt great about my scores, needless to say. So tips that helped me out!

1. Stop stressing! This test is really at the level of about 9th grade reading comprehension/vocab and about 7th grade math.

2. Focus on your weakest subject. If math is not your strong point thats ok! All you really need to do is practice working with fractions(adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) and fraction problems were about 60% of the math problems. The next math subjects I most frequently saw were ratios, percents, and decimals. The problems are not very hard and they can all be done by hand, and I recommend practicing this way to get a better understanding of how it all works. Trust me when I say you can do all the math problems by hand. My college did not allow the use of a calculator at all! I focused the most on math because, I felt weakest in that area and it paid off. I scored a 100!!

3. Relax and take your time and START WITH READING FIRST!! The reading section gets boring and it is best to get it done with first, so lack of concentration won't be as big of an issue. Plus, I felt it helped me with the vocabulary section because it got my brain into word mode so to speak.

4. Believe in yourself! If you learned all this stuff once you can learn it again (at least for me and math that was my mantra lol)

You are welcome and good luck to you today! That confidence you gained will definitely help you :) Let us know how you did if you are able/willing to

Thank you for your post. I am scheduled to take the HESI A2 test 4/18 math is my weakest and I'm concerned about grammar and voc.

So how did you do??

Thank you for your help! I was amazed when I found out today from my advisor that I only had to do English parts and 1 math part. I was expecting to have to do Chemistry, Physics, and AP. :)

That is great! Im sure you will do fantastic, and just make sure you keep up the confidence!

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