Published Feb 3, 2016
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
I'm taking the HESI A2 tomorrow and as the title states, I'm so nervous!!! I've been studying, reading tips, learning new topics, etc. and now I'm just praying that I do well. I didn't have much of a notice but hopefully what I've been doing gives me an extra boost than if I didn't study at all. And my A2 includes chemistry, biology and A&P :/
UPDATE: I GOT AN 86%!!!!
19 Posts
nice! any tips?
7 Posts
Congrats!!! I'm taking mine in 2 weeks. I'm so nervous! Which study guide did you used?!
The HESI A2 pocket prep app! It was a lifesaver. It was honestly the only thing I used but I could use it anywhere anytime. The app allows you to customize practice exams by length, topics, and lets you choose whether to see the answers and explanations after choosing an answer or waiting until the end. It was $12 on the Apple App Store but I utilized it more than I would have a $50 book.
It's cliche but definitely make sure you're well rested and ate a substantial breakfast. Pretty much make it so you don't have any distractions during the exam. If you're hungry, tired, or cold you won't be as focused on the test. I usually never get up during tests but I went to the bathroom in between one of the sections because I knew that it'd distract me if I didn't just go.
If your A2 has science on it and you don't remember what the topic is or what they're talking about on a question, don't stress. I swear I didn't know or remember half the things on the chem, bio and a&p sections but the app I used (pocket prep HESI A2) prepared me to make educational guesses and to read questions multiple times to make sense of exactly what they're asking. I ended up with 80% on both the bio and a&p sections and a 76% on the chem section. And I was stressing out the entire time "knowing" that I was answering the questions wrong or feeling very uncertain.
Good luck to the both of you!
Oh, also, you need to have metric conversions memorized as well as how to solve ratios and fraction problems :)
How was the vocab portion??
It has a lot to do with medical terminology. Anatomical words, diagnostic vocab, and then some random general words thrown in. It's harder to guess on the vocabulary section because of how the questions are set up so I'd definitely study for that part if you have no healthcare experience.
636 Posts
Thank you! :)
did you see any Biology questions in the A&P section?