Hesi A2 Help


Okay, so I'm going to take the Hesi this semester and I'm trying to find some material to enhance my critical thinking skills. I have the recommended study guide from Mosby and the Fundamentals of Success book but I'm still soooo concerned about the CT questions! Who has taken this exam and what advice can you give on the critical thinking portion? I know that the school I am applying to really puts a lot of weight into the CT score so it is imperative that I score high. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

I just posted the same topic about HESI. I don't feel real confident either looking at the study book---for me it looks to easy, and I heard the test is hard. I know we can re-take it, also can take it in sections, which helps in my testing strategy, but I would feel better if hear from people who have already experienced it.

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

I didn't think the test was hard at all.. I knew nothing of anatomy beyond that my hand is connected to my arm and scored 82 on that section.

I scored 900 (out of 1000) on the critical thinking. I found most of it to be common sense: I don't remember much of the test, but I do remember a couple of questions having to do with patient confidentiality.

I took the HESI A2 for a Lvn program (that I'm leaving to go to a BSN program) at a public technical school with no studying. I just walked into the school on a Thursday in December, took the placement exam for the school on Friday, the HESI on Monday, and started classes in January (LPN programs are not competive here at all).

I took the hesi a2 last semester. The critical thinking section was really something I felt couldn't be studied for, more than looking at example questions in study guides.... It's more common sense type questions. I think you kind of either have critical thinking skills or don't. Just pay attention to what the question is actually asking. I found the HESI A2 to be actually be pretty easy. Seems like people were freaking out before it more than they should have been. I only studied the night before I took it for maybe about 4 hrs and made a cumulative 94.

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