Published May 26, 2006
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
After a year off my online RN to BSN I have taken the plunge and restarted as of July 2nd. I have 107 units and have about 12 more courses.
I stopped last May because I had just put my dog down, and was dealing with my own chronic illness flare-up. I am now still not perfectly well but I feel ready to resume. My dad who died last month would love to know I kept going for this degree(I never told him I stopped because he was terminal and why bother him with that).
I am kind of excited but I don't know if I remember how to be a student!
Will I get more money or a promotion for the BSN? No. But I will have the ability to do more if I want to(like teaching!)
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Congrats on the decision to return to school - take care of yourself.
45 Posts
congratulations on your decision to continue your bsn!!
believe me, your dad is very proud of you. this forum has given me the encouragement to continue to my rn at age 55 years young.
thank you!!
596 Posts
good for everyone continuing on! education is a lifelong process. :).
i'm starting to learn spanish because it's the language that will help me communicate with many, many clients. us old dogs can always learn new tricks!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Good for you Sharann.
Sounds like you've been through a lot lately.
Hi all,
Thanks for the good words.
Tweety, how many courses left for you?
Is it worth it so far?
I am getting psyched up to not fo psycho.
Hi all,Thanks for the good words.Tweety, how many courses left for you?Is it worth it so far?I am getting psyched up to not fo psycho.
Sharann, I finished up my first year with a 4.0! I graduate in April of 2007. I've got around nine or so courses to go. I still have a couple of co-reqs (a senior level Soc. course "Aging in Society" or something like that, and World Religions). I've been wanting a break and am tiring of it, but so far I haven't quit. I'm glad you're back because you helped inspire me.
The word is out if it was worth it so far. LOL:rotfl:
Thanks man.
Seeing how well YOU are doing inspires ME. So thanks.
A 4.0, that is aweswome. I have only a 3.75 but I'll live.
I have decided that if I get all B's, or a C now and then I will still get the BSN and survive. My biggest problem is I think I am "failing" if I don't get an A grade. So silly and so unecessary. Lifes too short to worry about that so much. Just do well enough so if I want I can go on and advance from there(IF I want).
Thanks man.Seeing how well YOU are doing inspires ME. So thanks.A 4.0, that is aweswome. I have only a 3.75 but I'll live.I have decided that if I get all B's, or a C now and then I will still get the BSN and survive. My biggest problem is I think I am "failing" if I don't get an A grade. So silly and so unecessary. Lifes too short to worry about that so much. Just do well enough so if I want I can go on and advance from there(IF I want).Hugs
I know what you mean about the greats, if I make less than an A on something, and I often do, I think it's "dreadful". I try not to be grade conscious and just do my best realizing it really doesn't matter. When it comes to the last week and I'm pulling an A, then I really want to keep it because I would hate to blow it at the end. That's when I reallyl become grade conscious, up until then I'm more relaxed about grades.
The last couple of courses I've hard a hard time motiving myself. I feel I need a break, but I just want to keep going and getting it over with.